
Monday, 29 February 2016

Sorting out my fabrics! - Jane Foster

Those of you that have kept and eye on my blog over the past 6 or 7 years will know that I've spent many years collecting and making items from vintage and retro fabrics. I used to make part of my living selling handmade vintage fabric cushions, which then spilled over into toys etc... I still love fabric but I don't collect or buy it in the way I used to. (My partner Jim is so pleased!!) I only keep fabrics that I really love or that I know I will realistically use. My career now is mostly illustrating and screen printing so I've less need to buy fabrics. Also, my daughter is growing by the day and no longer wants my handmade cushions, patchwork quilts etc... in her room - she has enough of them and is developing her own style and tastes. (which is completely right!) We spent a lovely few hours together yesterday morning sorting through various fabric tubs that I have and she made herself a pile of fabrics she wanted, I made a pile of fabrics I wanted and we made a pile of fabrics we could let go of. Really strange experience for me doing this as I can remember clearly where and when I bought each piece, the things I made from them and where I was living etc.. A bit like reading an old diary but probably happier!! To cut a long story short, (no pun intended!) I've put together a few fabric packs which I shall be listing on my Etsy shop at midday today  - am sure I'll be adding more so pleased don't be sad if you miss these.

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